According to the recent research of, the market share of Google’s Chrome browser grew in October by almost 25%.

The market share of the Chrome browser in October was 24.99%, lagging behind Firefox and IE whose market share was 26.39% and 40.19% respectively, according to statistics. reported that in October, IE browser’s share dropped 1.47% and Firefox’s share fell 0.4%, while Chrome’s share increased 1.38%. The market share of Apple’s Safari browser climbed up 0.33%, accounting for 5.93% of the market share. Although it is predicted that Chrome’s growth will be balanced at some point, it seems its share continues to accelerate growth.

The analyst of points out that only this year Chrome browser’s market share has an increase of 10.1%. In the six months before October its growth is the fastest in history, an increase of 6.7%. In the past week, Chrome’s average market share was 25.43%, while Firefox is 26.03%. analyzes that at this rate, it is expected that the average market share of Chrome will exceed Firefox ometime in this month, more than and it will catch up with IE in 2012.Google’s goal is to obtain an overall market share, to support its core search engine to create income. is a promising e-commerce company and a leading vertical search engine company in China. offers a variety of high quality products such as industrial towel and uniform (, toyota land cruiser parts (, pyle in dash dvd ( and many more.