Congress must pass a jobs bill that boosts small businesses and puts people back to work to solve the unemployment problem in the U.S.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid introduced a jobs plan that would provide small businesses with opportunities to survive and thrive. Reid along with President Barack Obama realize that something must be done soon to resolve this dilemma.

Both plans are envisioned to create new avenues for job growth and economic prosperity, with small businesses leading the way.

However, there is more to do and lawmakers should develop and support programs that will provide small businesses with the cash flow they need to keep their doors open. It is also necessary to hire more workers and pursue opportunities for innovation.

It is a good sign that the Senate is moving forward in introduce a jobs bill. Small businesses would gain new opportunities to flourish under it.

It is vital for small businesses, the economy and 14 million Americans who are unemployed that the jobs act is passed in both houses. It is important to set off a small business job creation engine and prevent another recession.

Small Business Majority is a national nonpartisan small business advocacy organization focused on solving the biggest problems facing America’s 28 million small businesses.

It conducts extensive opinion and economic research and works with small business owners, policy experts and elected officials nationwide to bring insignificant entrepreneurs to the public policy table.